Have you been threatened, harassed, or sued by your credit card company? Have you received annoying calls from debt collectors? Were you forced to use a debt consolidation or debt settlement company to try to negotiate your debts? Debt collection lawsuits can be stressful. There are laws that can protect you! Sometimes the debt may not even be yours! Often, you can achieve substantial debt reduction or debt resolution yourself. Sometimes debt settlement or credit arbitrator companies may violate state law. For example, more than one state Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against companies including Credit Arbitrators for violating state law. If you have information about Credit Arbitrators or similar companies, email or contact our office today. If you have been defrauded or harmed by a credit arbitrator company, call or email to arrange a consultation to determine whether your rights have been violated. Vince Rabago Law Office has national and statewide experience in protecting consumers.