Facing Garnishment? Was your bank account seized? Is a creditor trying to garnish your wages?
Garnishment is a legal process used by creditors to get paid by seizing your funds, or taking funds from your paycheck, to pay off a court judgment against you. A government creditor like the IRS can sometimes garnish without a judgment.
Vince Rabago Law may be able to stop the garnishment cold! We may get the collection case thrown out entirely, if there is a valid legal basis to challenge the underlying judgment.
There are a variety of issues that can be considered in stopping a garnishment or or other collection effort. For example, was the judgment for a separate debt before you got married, but the Plaintiff-creditor is collecting from community property accounts? This may be a basis to stop the garnishment. Or perhaps the creditor did not properly renew the judgment after 5 years, as required under Arizona law?
Vince Rabago Law has successfully stopped garnishment, collection and other efforts to collect on old debts or recent debts. We also have experience in getting judgments set aside, stopping collection efforts cold!
Call our office today for a consultation at (520) 955-9038. Don’t wait!
Our main office is in Tucson, but we take cases in most of Arizona. We can also represent clients with cases in California or in federal district court.
Vince Rabago is licensed to practice in state and federal court in both Arizona and California, including the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and is a member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court.
Arizona attorney • Arizona lawyer • Tucson lawyer • California attorney